Monday, August 26, 2013

Would Raleigh charge Jesus $1600 a weekend to feed the multitudes and heal the lame?

Looks that way. 

37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ 40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matt 25:37-40 

BACKGROUND: Saturday August 24, the several groups of church and other people gathered as they had done for the past 6 + years to feed the homeless in Raleigh. Stuff like sausage and biscuits.  They technically do not meet in Moore Square (a public park in downtown Raleigh) but they stand on the sidewalk. They clean up their mess and know they cannot block or impede the flow of people on the sidewalk. (Do you have any idea now many people are on the sidewalk of downtown Raleigh at 9AM Saturday and Sunday? Take off your shoes to count) 

Suddenly the police show up and tell the people that they cannot hand out the food. They turned to one worker and told them that if they handed the homeless people that food, they would be arrested! NO they did not tell them to be gone in an hour! NO, they did not tell them to finish and not come back again! No, they told the workers if they handed them the food they would be arrested right then. So the hungry looked on while the food was taken away! 

They say they have to have a permit (although technically they were not in the park but on the public sidewalk). which will cost $800 a day for $1600 for the weekend!!!! The workers were told not to bother to apply as it would not be approved. 

Link :

Then the story hit the social media and people began sending the story to the local news media and also somehow the Mayor heard about it. "... The Raleigh police stood down after Mayor Nancy McFarlane and numerous Council members intervened today with Police Chief Deck-Brown and Acting City Manager Perry James. ... Until the committee has a chance to gather information, Chief Deck-Brown and the city administration have agreed to let the various groups continue to distribute food without being hassled or threatened with arrest, McFarlane said."

OH REALLY??? Keep Reading. 

" On Sunday, the group moved to a private parking lot across the street from Moore Square, but police also asked them to leave that area.
"We had lots of volunteers and lots of hungry people and nowhere to go," Pratt said." 
WAIT A MINUTE! The police ran them off of PRIVATE PROPERTY??? 
Now the Mayor and City officials naturally have no idea how this got started or who is responsible. And even though they said it could continue temporarily until they got a hold of things, the police, having no respect for the Mayor or anybody else, proceeded to run them off PRIVATE PROPERTY!!! 
LATEST NEWS as of 8/28/13 "The Raleigh City Council's Law and Public Safety Committee will convene Wednesday for a special meeting." 
And Where We Stand Now  - "A spokeswoman for the city parks department declined to comment Monday, as did Raleigh Police Chief Cassandra Deck-Brown who referred all questions to Perry.
He declined to comment further on Monday and referred questions to Mayor Nancy McFarlane.
She also was unavailable for comment Monday but said Sunday that she hopes the parks department and the groups can resolve the situation." 
I.E. I'm not talking, talk to her. I'm not talking either, talk to him. Can't find him or her, everybody suddenly unavailable. 
What's Really Going On any homeless poor people , then there isn't a problem. Obviously Raleigh took option 2. Unfortuneately for Raleigh, the focial media picked up on it, which spread to the local news and then to the national news and now to CNN. 
The goal is not to care for the poor and help them make their lives better. The goal is to hide them And Where We Stand Now  - "A spokeswoman for the city parks department declined to comment Monday, as did Raleigh Police Chief Cassandra Deck-Brown who referred all questions to Perry.
He declined to comment further on Monday and referred questions to Mayor Nancy McFarlane.
She also was unavailable for comment Monday but said Sunday that she hopes the parks department and the groups can resolve the situation." 
I.E. I'm not talking, talk to her. I'm not talking either, talk to him. Can't find him or her, everybody suddenly unavailable. 
What's Really Going On any homeless poor people , then there isn't a problem. Obviously Raleigh took option 2. Unfortuneately for Raleigh, the focial media picked up on it, which spread to the local news and then to the national news and now to CNN. 
The goal is not to care for the poor and help them make their lives better. The goal is to hide them so there is not problem.