Saturday, March 24, 2012

Rights of Bicyclists on the Road

Perhaps an old on-going issue but as I sat and read the comic strip Frazz today (and the past several) they have delay with bicyclists. (Link to GoComics and the Frazz strip. you can click the left arrow at the top to see previous days of the strip).

So the question is, do you feel bicyclists should have the rights of the road? I would say yes only if they obey ALL the rules. My biggest irritation is that bicyclists tend to "be a vehicle" when they want and "not be a vehicle" when it becomes convenient. In the Frazz strip, the group of bicyclists are blowing through a stop sign, apparently because they are "only a bicycle".  Bicyclists want to ride on the sidewalks and do other things vehicles of the road cannot do (motorcyclists start to fall in this group as they and bicyclists both will weave between cars to get to the head of the line at a stoplight.)

Are all bicyclists bad? No! There are good ones and bad ones just as there are good vehicle operators and bad ones. Sometimes the problem is that the roads are simply not built to accommodate bicycles. In the photo above, there is not enough room for two cars and a bicycle side by side and the cars on this road tend to travel about 55 mph (limit is 50 I think).

As I type this I realized that even I have made a distinction between bicyclists and vehicles, on the road they should all be the same.

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